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Don't Be A H2O Moron: How Water Damage Can Ruin Your Knife

It seems like such a silly thing. Water is, after all, just H2O. How could something so innocuous ruin your knife? Well, it turns out that water is actually pretty darn corrosive, and it can cause some serious damage to your knife if you're not careful. Let's take a closer look at how water can damage your knife and what you can do to prevent it.

Water is Corrosive

While it may seem harmless, water is actually quite corrosive. This is because water contains dissolved minerals like calcium and magnesium, which can cause pitting and rusting when they come into contact with metal. Over time, this corrosion will weaken the metal of your knife, making it more susceptible to breakage. 

Water Causes Pitting

Pitting is another form of corrosion that occurs when water seeps into small cracks or crevices in the metal. Once the water has infiltrated the metal, it begins to break down the metal molecules, causing small pits to form on the surface of the knife. Pitting can cause your knife to become dull and can make slicing through tough foods more difficult. 

Preventing Water Damage

Now that we know how bad water can be for your knife, let's talk about what you can do to prevent water damage. The first and most obvious solution is to simply avoid getting your knife wet. This may seem like common sense, but it's amazing how often people forget this basic rule. If you're working with wet ingredients or washing dishes by hand, be sure to keep your knife away from the water as much as possible. 

If you do get your knife wet, be sure to dry it off as soon as possible. A quick wipe down with a clean towel should do the trick. You may also want to consider storing your knives in a drawer lined with a towel or piece of fabric to absorb any moisture that may accumulate over time. 

These are just a few of the ways that water can damage your knife. So next time you're in the kitchen, be sure to keep your knives away from H2O!

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